Meet Magreth Ebenezer

Magreth Ebenezer
Magreth Ebenezer was born on 7th July 1994. She attends the Diego Secondary School in Rhotia village in Tanzania. Her father’s name is Ebenezer and her mother’s name is Evaline. They are six in the family and she is the 4th of 3 brothers and 3 sisters. Magreth lives with her Aunt. She helps her Aunt with domestic jobs so that she can pay for her School fees.
Her parents are farmers. They earn their income from a farm about 11/2 acres where they grow maize and beans. The crops are for food but they sell some to pay for School fees and other necessities. They don’t have much to sell so it is difficult to pay School fees and other necessities.
She is doing very well in School. She likes Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Swahili, Civics and social studies.
She likes playing netball. After Secondary School, she would like to join higher education to University collage.
Magreth is interested in America, and she would like to learn more about America and Americans.